Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala berfirman: “Wahai Muhammad, ingatlah ketika datang pertolongan Allah dan kemenangan bagimu. Engkau menyaksikan manusia masuk Islam berbondong-bondong. Wahai Muhammad, karena itu bertasbihlah kamu untuk menyatakan syukur kepada Tuhanmu dan mohonlah ampun kepada-Nya. Sungguh Tuhanmu sangat lapang dalam memberikan ampunan kepadamu.” (An Nashr, 110: 1-3)


Thursday 18 August 2011


PARIS: Bintang filem Perancis, Gerard Depardieu, kencing di tempat duduk penumpang kapal terbang apabila mendapati tandas pesawat berkenaan ditutup, kata sumber, semalam.
Katanya, aktor berusia 63 tahun itu menjerit mahu membuang air ketika penerbangan dari Paris ke Dublin, Ireland, bersedia untuk berlepas.

“Disebabkan pesawat itu bergerak di landasan dan bersedia untuk berlepas, kru kabin meminta Depardieu bersabar,” katanya.

Bagaimanapun, kata saksi, pelakon yang pernah dicalonkan untuk anugerah Oscar itu memberitahu, dia tidak boleh menahan dirinya.

“Dia yang kelihatan mabuk kemudian berdiri dan kencing di situ juga,” katanya.

Perbuatan Depardieu memaksa penerbangan itu tergendala dua jam bagi membolehkan pesawat dicuci. Tidak dapat dipastikan sama ada Depardieu dibenarkan terus menaiki pesawat itu atau tidak. - Agensi

French actor Gerard Depardieu urinates in airplane cabin

Classy but apparently incontinent French actor Gérard Depardieureportedly urinated in front of fellow passengers on a flight from Paris to Dublin on Tuesday after the crew told him he had to wait until after takeoff to use the facilities.
Is this a thing? Robert "Sandy" Vietze, a member of the U.S. Ski Team's development squad, got drunk and peed in the cabin of a domestic flight earlier this month. One more random person to pee on a plane, and it's officially a trend. And then a blog. And then a book. And then a movie. “Catheters on a Plane!”
A spokesman for the airline confirmed to Agence France Presse that Depardieu "in effect, urinated in the plane," though the carrier'sTwitter feed carried this message: "As you may have seen on the news, we are busy mopping the floor of one of our planes this morning. We'd also like to remind all passengers that our planes are fully equipped with toilet facilities."
A fellow passenger told Europe 1 radio that the actor, who appeared to have been drinking, stood up just before takeoff saying, "I want to piss, I want to piss." When the flight attendant told him he would have to wait, he said he couldn't, and stood up and went about his business. "The stewardess was dumbfounded," the passenger says. "No one said anything. It all happened with courtesy. Mr Depardieu sat back down and the plane returned to the parking area to be cleaned."

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